Saturday, December 28, 2024

VETS: Here to defend all opinions

| February 4, 2015 8:00 PM

When I was looking through the letters to the editor, found in the Jan. 28 Coeur d’Alene Press, I saw one letter in particular where a couple who were “veterans” decided to personally attack Sgt. Christie Wood for her opinions. Even further, they decided that she could take up residence in Iraq, “where she belonged.” So let me be briefly clear about this, even if this couple did not specify what branch of the U.S. military I’ll presume they joined.

There is an oath that is taken at the time anyone puts on that uniform. Included in that oath is to defend the U.S. Constitution. Of the nation you defend, against all enemies both foreign and domestic; you do not get to pick and choose whom among its citizens you will defend as opposed to all others. Not only does Sgt. Christie Wood have a Constitutional right to speak her piece, when I put on a uniform to defend this country during the Cold War, I defended her right to voice her opinions. Just as I defended the same rights of other people to hold any opinion they wished — even those opinions I fervently disagree with.

And most certainly I would not wish of anyone with whom I disagreed that they immediately take up residence in a country destabilized by corruption and violence, plus the threat ISIS principally poses to the Middle East. Anyone who would care to make such an argument, especially against a law enforcement officer, is to my mind neither moral nor “Christian” and definitely not conservative. The only label that I would apply? Try jerks, as that would be most apropos.


Coeur d’Alene