Thursday, October 10, 2024

FALCON: Justice must be served

| February 4, 2015 8:00 PM

As both a novice falconer and a fanatical cyclist, I’ve looked at the state of Idaho with longing: as a “Mecca” for both sports. It’s hard to think of another area where people are as in touch with nature, the seasons and the cycles of life.

It was thus with an extra measure of shock that I read about the death of the Gyr Falcon Hornet, at the hands of a human he trusted. Setting aside the loss of the investment of time and money by this bird’s owner, it is the loss of the life itself that has me, and so many others, reeling. And “loss” isn’t the right word. That life was brutally taken by an act that can only be described as deranged. Death as part of the natural cycle, with one animal living at the expense of another, is expected, understood, and can be celebrated. Death of the sort your paper has described is a tragic waste, to be roundly condemned.

Thank you for your coverage of this event. Please keep it up. Encourage Idaho to set another example; to show the rest of the world that the deranged killing of this magnificent creature of nature will not be tolerated.

In sadness and anger,

