Sunday, May 05, 2024

MAGIC: That's our daily goal

| December 18, 2015 8:00 PM

When I think of the valuable work of St. Vincent de Paul North Idaho North Idaho one word comes to mind: MAGIC. I know...stop laughing. Not a word normally associated dealing with the population of low-income or deep poverty. As an organization, “Magic” is not listed on a balance sheet. You cannot measure magic, invest it, or even amortize it over 30 years. Magic is, however, a common word in the halls of St. Vincent de Paul North Idaho.

When the community visits St. Vincent de Paul North Idaho they want (need) help. St. Vincent de Paul North Idaho is the last stop on a community tour of “no”, “can’t” or “won’t” help you. Just because you can’t put a numeric value to magic doesn’t mean it’s not playing a major role at St. Vincent. In fact it’s easy to see the effects of magic every day. Observe sometime the look on a families face when you tell them “you can stay in your home” — MAGIC! Hearing “we can help” when their car, their only way to get to work, can be fixed — MAGIC! A child’s face when they can get a new coat, boots and gloves because all they have are flip flops — MAGIC! Imagine the look of someone’s face when they get to move into a home, their new home, when they never thought they would get one because only they earn minimum wage — MAGIC!

Each is a magic moment between our community and St. Vincent de Paul North Idaho. By the end of 2015, St. Vincent de Paul North Idaho will experience over 25,000 magical moments to just over 2,300 people! Of the people who visit us, 70 percent are the working poor, 30 percent are actually homeless but all are human beings. The idea of magic is never an accident, it’s the happy surprise that a well-served customer feels and is the result of hard work on the part of an amazing team and organization. Our goal daily is to provide magic.

2016 marks 70 years of service to our community. For 70 years St Vincent de Paul North Idaho has worked hard to exceed expectation, to create magic, to those who walk through our doors. Our community has expectations from us when seeking help. A smile, going the extra mile, and saying “thank you” are all a part of exceeding expectations.

Winter is upon us and it’s North Idaho cold outside. St. Vincent de Paul North Idaho is still striving to exceed community expectations and filling a need. On the nights when the temperature falls below 25 degrees our Warming Centers will always be open. On those cold nights the Centers provide a place to get a warm meal, an area to be safe and warm, and met with a smile — Magic!

Magic is brought to us regularly from our community as well. Sleeping bags, socks, and food have been donated generously and given and appreciated. St. Vincent de Paul North Idaho offers showers, laundry, food and shelter to anyone who asks for it. All done with the desire to help others. Bleeding hearts? No...Human.

Nobody should ever live a third world life in a first world country. Exceeding our community’s expectations is the standard call of duty at St. Vincent de Paul North Idaho. In fact it’s the multiple little “wows,” many of which seem fairly insignificant at the time, upon which our magic depends.

I want to thank you, our community, our volunteers and supporters for all you do to help us exceed expectations. On behalf of our amazing staff, our Board of Directors, Board President Chris Fritz and myself, we wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


Executive Director

St Vincent de Paul North Idaho