Sunday, May 05, 2024

DEVELOPERS: Let's keep rural lifestyle

| December 18, 2015 8:00 PM

After attending the public hearing at the county building Dec. 10, I am convinced more than ever that we need to get some honest and trustworthy commissioners back in office like we had in the past, like Wayne Meyer and Dick Panabaker.

This latest attempt to change the land use code to satisfy some greedy developers is just another indication that the commissioners have sided with these developers and swayed away from those citizens who put them in office. With the exception of Mr. Green, the others on the board have accepted campaign money from Mort and other developers and regardless what David Callahan said at the meeting, there is a direct “conflict of interest.”

This latest attempt to mess with the comprehensive plan is just another way of going in the back door to get what they want. These folks cannot be trusted. Dennis Swartout, Cliff Mort, Drew Dittman, and Sandy Young are all out to feather their own nest at the expense of the citizens of rural Kootenai County.

If we let this activity continue without a fight, we have caved in to these high rollers and have lost what we have all worked so hard to preserve. As time goes on I urge you all to get involved and follow this activity very closely so that we don’t lose our rural lifestyle.

