Sunday, May 05, 2024


| December 13, 2015 8:00 PM

On Trump and Muslims:

* GO TRUMP!!! Donald Trump is anti ISIS, not anti Muslim. Who is willing to sacrifice their family’s safety? Are you?

* Just like firearm owners, law abiding Muslims aren’t a threat to anyone. It’s the whackos who you have to worry about and they would just as easily tell you they were Catholics as they would wear women’s clothing. And in any event, religion is just someone’s opinion. God must just smile and shake his head at all the idiotic concepts people glom onto.

* All I can figure is Trump is punking all of us and will break out laughing soon. He has no chance in a million to become president, offers ideas that have no chance in a million of ever being enacted yet the media gives him 24/7 coverage. Ratings trump all reason.

* And to think so many like what they hear. Our entire educational system needs to be torn down and revamped. People attracted to Trump are absolute morons. When he doesn’t completely lie he makes up solutions with no details whatsoever. Simple solutions to complex problems are for the simple minded. It may make you all applaud, but let’s get a grip. It’s too bad Obama has always addressed us like adults. What is he thinking? Talking about evil doers is the level most can comprehend. Karl Rove figured that out along with god, guns, and gays. It gave Bush eight years. NO chance Trump will get eight minutes. Congrats to the religious leaders. Trump would have an answer but I’m not sure even he can figure out how to insert polling data into this.

* Typical liberal double standard. Jimmy Carter stopped Iranians from immigrating to the US during the 1979 hostage crisis.

On charge filed against driver Gary E. Dixon:

* Misdemeanor and Manslaughter are two things that should never be combined. Jeffrey Kirk is dead! This needs to be looked into.

* If morons like this guy don’t stop running red lights, like I see around here more than 5 times a day, then more of these tragic situations will happen. We need to get the CDA police to patrol traffic more because for now they “don’t have the time.” ...I feel awful for the victim’s family, what a slap in the face. Sad.

* A cretin breaks the law, kills an innocent man, and McHugh is satisfied with a misdemeanor? Unfreakingbelievable

* I see a lot of you folks have your law degree. Yes the guy is a cretin, based on his history. But if you read the article and what it says about Idaho law, and that there is no way to prove gross negligence. Too bad we can’t put him away for being a repeat jerk.

Thank you Barry for doing your job within the confines of the law, and putting up with know it alls who have not gone to law school.

On the complaint about bikinis in a coffee shack:

* I could care less about a couple adults seeing a couple adults in their bikinis, especially when you have a choice to go. The one thing that does bother me (because it kinda takes away that choice) is that they should be covered up when they go outside to smoke or take a break and stand outside, because a lot of the time they are wearing lingerie and not bikinis and they stand out there smoking while elementary kids in school buses drive past.

* So a couple of saints unexpectedly encounter a couple of beautiful young bodies. They could have simply driven off but apparently their addiction to coffee trumped their moral outrage. Writing a letter to the editor is not walking the walk.

* The coffee stand across the street was busier because they were Completely topless!

* If you don’t like girls in bikinis serving coffee, then don’t go to their coffee stand. But don’t make assumptions about the popularity of their stand, or the viability of their business on your single isolated experience. Lots of stands have lots of regulars... and the timing of when those regulars frequent the stands differs. You likely just witnessed the other stands’ busy time. I know for a fact that the bikini stand frequently has long lines of customers, too.

I find it interesting that you would get so worked up over “scantily clad” girls, that you would write a letter to the editor about it. What kind of puritanical, self-shaming, regressive upbringing did you have; that you have to judge people who are acting perfectly legally?

If your faith or your moral code are so flimsy that the temptation to look upon these baristas with lust is a mortal threat to you, then maybe you might want to examine the underpinnings of that faith.