Sunday, May 05, 2024

Singing the praises of unsung heroes

| December 12, 2015 8:00 PM

When you fight for the right cause and more importantly for the right reason, your reward comes from the satisfaction that the goal was accomplished. You are not looking for any accolades or thank-yous. They are nice, but the true satisfaction comes from seeing the faces of the people who will benefit from your efforts. This face might be a child or even a drug addict.

As I look out over the crowds of people at charity events, it’s the same committed faces I see over and over again. The people have names like Rock, Heath, Barrett, Power, Komberec, Gervais, Knudtsen, Bobbitt, Enos, Young, Chief, Gorrill, Riggs, Chadderdon, Green, Veach, Volker and many, many more.

But behind every success story is the unsung hero. His name is Randy Oaks. He has been by my side for every project: PF Chamber building, KTEC, Stem Charter, JACC, U District, 4-H, and the Boys & Girls Club and more.

I probably take him for granted, because I just assume he will always rise to the occasion. He works tirelessly on every project with love in his heart and a smile on his face. He truly is my hero and I want to thank him from the bottom of my heart.

Here’s to the people who get back up more times than they are knocked down, who give more than they ever expect to receive, who still show love to others, even when their own heart is broken, who smile through the sad times, who light the way for others, who spread laughter and joy. Thank you for making the world a better place.

God bless all the unsung heroes of the world!

Ron Nilson is a community activist, CEO of Ground Force and Ground Force Worldwide in Post Falls, and a trustee for North Idaho College.