Sunday, May 05, 2024

Opinion: What to do when the shooting starts

by ED Santos OwnerCenter Target Sports
| December 5, 2015 10:30 PM


In the last day and a half I have answered numerous questions from concerned individuals who like most of us are looking for answers to the horrific San Bernardino tragedy. Most of the questions have centered around “What should I do if …?” or “How can I avoid….?”

In addition to these questions we have all heard the criess for increased gun control. I firmly believe that gun control is not the answer. Please don’t assume my opinion is based on emotion or some misplaced loyalty to the 2nd Amendment. The facts clearly do not support gun control as a solution. I understand the emotional call by some for gun control as a solution. I also recognize that many of you will not agree with my position and to you I ask that you just do your own research and not fall into the anti-gun media spin that always increases during these national incidents.

As to the “what should I do questions,” I will offer some advice here. But, before I do let’s look at what is commonly called an Active Shooter incident. Homeland Security defines an active shooter as “an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area, typically through the use of firearms.” First I would like to say that I am not a supporter of the term “Active Shooter.” I would much prefer calling these criminals for what they are and that is simply Active Killers. These people have only one primary agenda and that is to kill as many people as possible.

As to the success of gun control let’s look at the statics on gun violence in Chicago which arguably has the country’s most restrictive gun possession laws. In 2014 the city had 2,619 people shot with 460 of those murdered. That is an average of 38.3 murders per month. For a look at gun control on a national level let’s look at the United Kingdom. From 1990 to 1996 the murder rate averaged 10 -13 murders per million people. In 1996 the UK eliminated / severely restricted firearms from their citizens. The murder rate from 1996 to 2003 rose to 18 per million people. Almost doubled. I must point out that since 2003 the murder rate has dropped to 10-11 per million but in 2003 the UK added an additional 20,000 police officers.

Another popular topic is the “Gun Free Zone” discussion. There are those who believe that gun free zones offer us a higher level of safety. In fact I was recently told by a local facility manager in Coeur d’Alene that they made their property a gun free zone for the safety of their patrons. Again, the statistics do not support this position.

I have not found one mass killing that has taken place in any area but gun free zones. I can’t say that none exist but surely no one can argue that the overwhelming majority of mass shootings occur in these supposedly safe areas.

Let’s look at the Aurora, Colorado movie theater shooting where 12 people were killed. The shooter in this case had a choice of seven movie theaters that were showing the Batman movie. All were within a 20-minute drive of his home. The Cinemark Theater the killer chose wasn’t the closest, but it was the only one that posted signs banning concealed handguns carried by law-abiding citizens. All of the other six theaters allowed for the concealed carry of firearms by permitted individuals.

There are many more examples of gun free zones and gun control cases that can be listed and or debated. In fact, some examples I am sure can be found that may represent a contrary opinion to mine. But as stated earlier, these are my opinions and they are based on fact and research that is both accurate, nonbiased and evidence based.

Now for the “What do I do” questions. A concept that I have promoted for years is that of Awareness. Raising our level of awareness is the single most important thing we can do to keep ourselves and our families safe. Be aware of your environment and any possible dangers. You should always take note of the nearest exits in any facility you visit. Be aware of who and what is near you at all times.

If you find yourself in an active killer situation, you should immediately try to evacuate. Have an escape route and plan in mind. Leave your belongings behind and keep your hands visible.

Attempt to notify the police at the first opportunity. Emergency responders will be particularly interested in the location of the active killer, number of killers, physical description of killers, number and type of weapons held by killers, and the number of potential victims at the location.

If evacuation is not safe hide out. Hide in an area out of the shooter’s view. Block entry to your hiding place or lock the doors. Turn out the lights and don’t forget to silence your cell phone.

If you must, take action. But, only as a last resort and only when your life is in imminent danger. Attempt to incapacitate the shooter with the highest level of physical aggression. Don’t overlook any item as a possible weapon. To name but a few items; Tools, chairs, bottles, hot coffee, letter opener, rolled magazine, cleaning chemicals etc. You are only limited by your imagination.

If you encounter the police, remain calm and follow instructions. Put down any items in your hands (i.e., bags, jackets). Raise hands and spread fingers - remember to keep hands visible at all times. Please try to avoid quick movements toward officers such as holding on to them for safety. Avoid pointing, screaming or yelling. Do not stop to ask officers for help or direction when evacuating - they will be directing you out of danger. Follow their directions completely.

I hope this helps answer some of the questions many of you have. None of us has all the answers to this craziness that is happening all too often. What we can all do is pray for those who have lost so much through this senseless violence and of course for all the men and women who sacrifice so much so that we can live in a free America.

God Bless our military and first responders. You are all so appreciated.

Ed Santos owns Center Target Sports in Post Falls.