Tuesday, October 08, 2024

All about BioTE pellet therapy

by Jan NelsonNp-C
| August 19, 2015 9:00 PM

BioTE pellet therapy uses bio-identical, all natural estrogen and testosterone, delivered by tiny pellets inserted just under the skin. The pellets are the storehouse of hormones which the body can access as needed. Pellets deliver a consistent level of hormone 24 hours a day, seven days a week for three to six months. They outperform oral, patch and cream prescriptions with fewer side effects.

Hormone pellets are identical to our own hormones and cannot be patented, so they have been ignored by the major pharmaceutical firms. Clinical studies during the past decade have proven the superiority of pellet therapy, and the remarkable impact it has had on the men and women who use it, without the side effects of synthetic drugs.

Pellets were originally developed in 1939 for women who had undergone radical hysterectomies and later discussion was introduced for the use of pellets in menopausal women. Most of the clinical studies come from Europe and Australia where pellet therapy has been widely used. They are absorbed based on cardiac output not time released resulting in a more steady state of hormones without a roller coaster effect. Pellet therapy does not pass through the liver and therefore does not interfere with the clotting mechanism. There is no increase in blood clots, heart attack or stroke.

We start by accurately identifying the hormone levels in your blood in order to prescribe the optimal dose of hormone for your unique body chemistry, our dosing is precise. Both men and women benefit from bioidentical hormone pellet therapy by experiencing greater mental clarity, increased libido, decreased body fat and increase in muscle tone and mass. Energy level is enhanced resulting in less fatigue, decrease in depression, irritability, and mood swings.

Balanced Wellness Medical Clinic has become a certified practitioner with BioTE. When considering pellet therapy, it's important to know that your practitioner was trained by a BioTE expert who studied hormone replacement therapy extensively so you can be sure that your dose is appropriate for your specific needs.

Hormonal balance is absolutely necessary for good health as you age. With BioTE pellets you can restore your hormone balance.

Are you a candidate for pellet therapy? Call Balanced Wellness Medical Clinic at (509) 919-4575.