Sunday, October 27, 2024

TRUMP: Paper tiger or trojan horse?

| August 14, 2015 9:00 PM

He has turned people’s anger toward both parties, because of their disgust with the way politicians run this country. Do I like him? No. His ideas — which are very few now — tap into people’s anger. Hopefully he will be more specific instead of just bloviating. It is his mean spirited view of everyone else except himself that I object to.

Paper tiger, all puffed up and ready to take on the establishment. Sounds great and really taps into the public anger about politicians. Let’s face it, when any politician gets into office, no matter which side you’re on, they only think about their next election and not what is good for the country. So the paper tiger roars, but I think it is a fake roar to an ultimate agenda.

Trojan horse, now you have it. Of all the candidates, who has been on the phone with Bill Clinton? The Donald. Imagine that conversation. Donald already announced to the world that he buys politicians. Could this brash paper tiger be setting himself up for favors down the road to help his own empire? I think so. A real trojan horse.

How can you tell? By him running as an independent. Remember Ross Perot — he did this and gave the election to the other side. If Donald does this he will give the election to the other side, which I believe is his intended purpose all along.

Irony, Donald raving about all the crooked politicians lining their own pockets, from the man who buys politicians to line his own pockets. I wish I was wrong, but good people are not nasty people and Donald is mean spirited and nasty.


Coeur d’Alene