Monday, October 07, 2024

Going hungry mustn't be an option

| August 14, 2015 9:00 PM

There's no limit to the good things your limited funds could do without ever leaving Kootenai County.

If buildings are your thing, Kootenai Health, North Idaho College and the Boys & Girls Club are in various phases of capital campaigns at this very moment. All worthy. All important.

Our county is blessed with literally hundreds of nonprofits, from big kids on the block like United Way and St. Vincent de Paul to smaller ones that build tiny houses or help bereaved parents who have lost a child. All worthy. All important. And many have multiple fundraisers throughout the year.

But who's taking care of our seniors who go to bed hungry? These venerable, vulnerable citizens too often let their pride prevent them from going to food banks or, in some cases, to senior centers that are excellent sources of a nutritious meal. Even though meals-on-wheels programs exist, some of our seniors won't ask for help of any kind because of that fierce but misplaced pride.

We spoke with Alison McArthur and Rick Currie, who manage the region's two largest senior centers, in Post Falls and Coeur d'Alene. McArthur said Post Falls serves more than 2,000 meals a month on average, between its meals-on-wheels program and to seniors who come into the center to eat. Currie said Lake City Center serves about 2,600 meals each month - with more than two-thirds of them being delivered to seniors who can't get out.

While both facilities request donations from those they serve, many of their patrons and potential patrons have nothing left after paying for rent, utilities, medicine and a meager amount of groceries - often not of the nutritious kind. Many have no car and no money for gas or insurance anyway.

Grants, subsidies and current donations help our senior centers, but it's never enough. We think it's unacceptable that any of the young and the old in Kootenai County should go hungry or malnourished.

We understand that your charitable dollars could go in many directions, but we're asking you today to consider making a cash donation to the local senior center of your choice. Better still, contact them and pledge a certain amount monthly that you can afford and that they can count on to help feed the elderly.

Those of us lucky enough to live a long life will someday be aged and very likely infirm. Maybe we'll also be lucky enough to have friends, neighbors and even strangers who care enough about us to help ensure we never go to sleep at night hungry.

Call the center of your choice and see how you can help. Please.

Post Falls Senior Center: 773-9582

Lake City Center (Coeur d'Alene): 667-4628

Hayden Senior Gems: 762-7052

Rathdrum Senior Citizen Center: 687-2028

Spirit Lake Seniors Center: 623-6125

Plummer Senior Citizen Kitchen: 686-1863