Monday, May 06, 2024

ABORTION: Writer misses on analogy

| September 28, 2014 9:00 PM

I have these questions for Dr. George W. Rodkey; what would you know of the events of Ferguson, Mo.? First that it would concern a young African-American teen who purportedly was unarmed and supposedly surrendered to white police officers before he was shot and killed. Second of the resulting riots in which a number of businesses were damaged or destroyed. Third, the rioters being met by a militarized police force. Police officers killing pet dogs, cats or kittens does not typically cause riots. Such actions fall into an entirely different category, plus the public reaction to police officers killing their or their neighbor’s pets is going to be entirely different from cop’s shooting a fellow human being. With reference to Ferguson, there is a significant question as to whether Michael Brown was justifiably killed or not. Also, whether his surviving family has a right to civil justice in this case, or not.

However, to mock the tragic events of Ferguson as it pertains to Arfee’s death, now begs another question. You say, Dr. Rodkey that you abhor 3,000 abortions/aborticides daily (regardless of the circumstances under which they occur), but you misrepresent the Ferguson incident to try to make your case. Why don’t we instead compare what happened to Mr. Michael Brown to those 3,000 “unborn children” and ask what would happen to them if they were born? Would race factor into their becoming more Michael Browns dying needlessly at the hands of the police? How about an actress being momentarily arrested for “lewd conduct” because she was seen kissing her white boyfriend? Or a young African-American male being harassed by white cops while he was entering a mall to pick up his kids?

I don’t guess that you can get as overly exercised about the above factual scenarios as you do about these 3,000 abortions/aborticides. Well then, the final question would have to be, do you even care about these “unborn kids?”


Coeur d’Alene