Monday, May 06, 2024

Yes, authors speak, too

| September 26, 2014 9:00 PM

For this reader, Jess Walter could do no wrong. Not far into his novel "Beautiful Ruins" he had mentioned the University of Arizona, the Chicago Cubs and Sandpoint, with a delightful smattering of naughty Scottish words tossed in. And somehow, the book got even better from there.

Walter is the guest speaker at next Thursday night's Northern Idaho Distinguished Humanities Lecture and Dinner at The Coeur d'Alene Resort. Offered by the Idaho Humanities Council, the event is an autumnal opportunity for local folks to enjoy a fine meal, with enlightenment for dessert.

You don't want to miss Jess Walter. He's something of a local boy - Spokane resident and Eastern Washington University grad - but don't let the provincialism fool you. Walter wasn't booked for this event because it's only a 30-minute drive from his house. As a writer, Walter stands among modern-day giants as a best-seller several times over and winner of the prestigious Edgar Allan Poe Award - the best novel of the year - in 2005 for "Citizen Vince."

On Thursday, Walter will preach the gospel of empathy. We're eager to hear his message about how reading fiction removes you from yourself and puts you into the shoes of someone else - and why that's enriching on many levels.

But as always, we're also eager to see lots of friends at this gathering. The humanities dinner and lecture manages to attract one of the most diverse collections of humans in North Idaho. What all these people - young, old, monied, unburdened by gold, liberal as hell, conservative as hell, and darn near everything between - have in common is intense curiosity. These audiences are always well-read and eager to invest a couple of weeknight hours to broaden their base of knowledge and experience. Besides, the event is always a lot of fun, too.

We're calling your attention to the lecture today because it's almost sold out. Rick Ardinger, executive director of the Idaho Humanities Council, said this week that the Walter lecture has a chance to set the attendance record for North Idaho. We think $50 is a bargain for a fine roast beef dinner and a chance to hear from an amazing neighbor. Hope you'll join us Thursday night.

Want to go? Tickets for Jess Walter lecture: (888) 345-5346 or