Monday, May 06, 2024

DEBATES: Let us all participate

| September 21, 2014 9:00 PM

Two upcoming debates, one by KTVB-TV and Idaho Debates PBS only include about half of the candidates for governor. I am one of those being excluded. Each debate organizer, according to their own self-styled requirements, have not deemed me “a viable candidate.”

One requirement is a minimum of $10K. Is this yet another campaign of the rich, by the rich and for the rich?

How am I different? My husband and I went out for 32 days to get 1,000+ vetted signatures to place me on the ballot. Party candidates need only pay $200 to be on the ballot. That is how my fight for Idaho began.

My only special interest is the average Idahoan regardless of your political party, not special interest groups, big business, lobbyist or the top 1 percent. My dollars are limited, my desire for change is not. I may not have visited throughout the state or have lots of volunteers, does that make my platform less important? Debates are one medium in which I can let all Idahoans know how I would serve them. Many Idahoans can relate to gas prices and motel stays as a luxury, that does not mean I don’t care about meeting them. I have used my website, thousands of personal contacts, and videos to reach as many Idahoans as I can.

That I am a viable candidate for governor is, fortunately, up to the people of Idaho; those that placed me on ballot and those voting for me in November.



Independent Candidate for Governor