Monday, May 06, 2024

ARFEE: All deaths diminish us

| September 19, 2014 9:00 PM

I agree with the many writers who have expressed the killing of Arfee is not equal to the millions of babies who have been killed since Roe v Wade was made law. However, I fail to understand why we can’t be concerned with both. As human beings we should be more concerned with other human beings but it does not mean we should exclude all else. I believe we have room in ourselves to be concerned with many causes.

We should be concerned with Arfee because not only was a dog killed for no reason, but because a police officer killed this pet. There should be some sort of indictment, more than what has been done, against this police officer. The next time an “accident” such as this is made by this officer it could be much worse than a loved dog.

As to the comments that one must have a uterus before being able to comment on abortion; men contribute half of the child’s DNA. Men should be able to make comments on what happens to that tiny life.


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