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Vets to discuss Agent Orange

| September 18, 2014 9:00 PM

COEUR d'ALENE - A local chapter of the Vietnam Veterans of America is holding a town hall meeting Saturday to discuss Agent Orange and its impact on families.

Russ Fankell, a member of the Idaho State Council, said the event will be held at the North Idaho College Student Union Building from 3 to 7 p.m.

The event, "The Faces of Agent Orange: What You Should Know 40 Years Later," is for all affected veterans and their families. Organizers also hope to draw health practitioners and disability-related service agencies.

Fankell said the topics that will be covered are medical care for affected children and grandchildren, a fresh approach to new research, and direct services available to veterans and their families.

"This may be the last chance to ask questions about Agent Orange and the effects on families," Fankell said. "New research shows that it can affect up to three generations."

Jack McManus, VVA national co-chair of Agent Orange, will be on hand to answer any questions veterans or their families may have about claims and benefits.

McManus was crew chief with operation Ranch Hand in Vietnam during 1967 and 1968. He is well-educated on the subject of Agent Orange.

"Remember, veterans, we may have volunteered or we may have been assigned, but nowhere in our oath or contract did we obligate our children who are suffering from the result of our service," Fankell wrote in a press release.

North Idaho College is located at 100 W. Garden Ave. in Coeur d'Alene.