Saturday, July 06, 2024

TREASON: Alive and well in U.S.

| October 15, 2014 11:00 PM

Americans just don’t get it. The Constitution defines treason as giving aid and comfort to the enemy. Refusing to secure our borders and shores while scattering our military over the globe to fight wars arranged by bankers and religious nuts is an act of treason. Spending billions bribing foreign politicians to pretend cooperation while ignoring the needs of our veterans and seniors is an act of treason. Attempting to disarm the American populace is an act of treason. Taxing and regulating our industries to the point that they shut down or move away is an act of treason. Our worst enemy is not the most obvious. It is the cabal of foreign bankers who control the Federal Reserve and all their cohorts in the Congress. Our younger voters don’t have a clue as to what is going on because they have not had any instruction on how government works. That is the result of allowing unions and politicians to control our education system. It is time for a huge shakeup.


Coeur d’Alene