Monday, October 07, 2024

SHADOWS: Cast pall over N. Idaho

| November 28, 2014 8:00 PM

Sunday’s headline article, “Stepping out of the Shadows,” should leave all of us holding our noses at the stench of political correctness. The narrative describes a recently aired PBS show, “Our Private Idaho,” which essentially claims that Idaho is “too white” and that our state is a “haven for white conservatives.” As if there’s something wrong with being white and conservative?

The documentary further states that we are still “haunted by racism.” You mean that a few hundred racists, including the Aryan Nations, speak for all Idahoans?

As a white conservative, I think I can speak for almost all Idahoans when I say I have never discriminated against another or made someone feel unwelcome here because of their ethnicity, or for any other reason. I am deeply offended by arrogant liberals like Tony Stewart, who has anointed himself one of our warriors against “hate.” Mr. Stewart, how did you corner the market on morality? The Human Rights Education Institute gives our city a proverbial black eye by raising the question: Are Idahoans really so ignorant that they need to be educated about how to treat people? What an insult! Ironically, Mr. Stewart, your institute has given the small minority of racists in our community the very publicity they seek! You say we have a lot of “catching up” to do to achieve “diversity.” Do us all a favor and speak for yourself.

