Monday, October 07, 2024

Teachers are American

| November 26, 2014 8:00 PM

Public school teachers are an easy target for nave, hypercritical and ignorant pontificators who spew hateful untruths at the quiet reciprocates. Public school teachers are often called anti-American, communist, and socialist and yes, even liberal Criticized for teaching hatred in place of reading, writing and arithmetic, the public school teacher is to blame for all which is bad in our society.

Larry Kettle, in his letter to the editor of this paper on Nov. 21, describes what he believes to be the demise of our society as he prays for the lost souls of teachers everywhere. I say, save your prayers for someone who needs them.

Larry wrote:

"During the past 60-plus years there is no telling how many of the teachers are teaching their hatred for the United States and the democracy we enjoy. Across the country teachers are removing flags and prayer from the schools. Then they teach false history to keep the students ignorant of the truth. They no longer teach arithmetic, reading and writing, instead they fill the minds of our students young and old with garbage, plain useless subjects that will never be of use in the workplace or society in general."

"What they do teach is how corrupt this nation is and how much better off we would be under a socialistic form of government, one that provides all our needs. They purposely dumb down our students so that they are not capable of doing anything except follow those who know what our needs are better than we do. This teaching attitude is prevalent across the nation there is no doubt about that. I do want to temper these thoughts however, as there are many teachers that try and want to do their jobs in an exemplary manner, but, the system prevents them from doing so. To those teachers I want to praise for their efforts. To those teachers that preach anti-American sentiments, I pray for their lost souls."

This sad and misinformed testimonial is simply not true. In the school I lead, we have 26 American flags, our 411 students and 76 staff members pledge our allegiance to America 180 times every year, out loud with our hand placed over our heart. This past week we celebrated Veterans Day with more than 300 community members singing songs, laughing and crying for those who lost their lives protecting our freedom. Where else in society do people express their devotion and love for America than in public school?

Every day our students spend 90 minutes working specifically on reading and writing and 60 minutes on math then integrate all three subjects into science and social studies every day. Our students are stimulated to reach their full potential by hardworking, intelligent, highly qualified professionals who work collaboratively ensuring every child has a chance to succeed in our society. When a child walks through the doors of our school, poverty, discrimination, social misfortune and divisiveness disappears and every child has an equal opportunity for success.

We do teach our children to critically think and to have a scientific attitude. We ask students to ask a question, do background research, construct a hypothesis, to test their hypothesis and analyze their data to draw a conclusion. We also ask our students to be:

* Curious - a scientist shows interest and pays particular attention to objects or events. He/she asks questions and seeks answers.

* Honest - a scientist gives a truthful report of observations. She/he does not withhold important information just to please himself/herself or others.

* Open-minded - a scientist listens to and respects the ideas of others. He/she accepts criticism and changes his/her mind if reliable evidence contradicts his/her beliefs.

* Skeptical - a scientist bases suggestions and conclusions on evidences. When in doubt, she/he questions the veracity of a statement in relation to the evidences presented.

* Creative - a scientist can generate new and original ideas.

I challenge Mr. Kettle and all who doubt the honest, honorable work of American teachers to follow the lead of the brightest American children and think like a scientist instead of making false, unfounded, insidious claims.

Lastly, as a veteran of the United States Air Force, I take issue with anyone condemning the work my friends, coworkers and comrades do as un-American. As I fought to ensure the freedom of all Americans with my military brothers and sisters, I fight with the same fervor for the honor of my American teaching family.

There is nothing more honorable nor more American than to teach American children to read, write and compute mathematical equations. I know this because I am in the trenches. I know this because I am an American. I know this because I am a teacher. I know this because the science tells me so.

Send comments or other suggestions to William Rutherford at or visit