Thursday, October 10, 2024

Citizens, take back your country

by Ronald Deady/Guest Opinion
| November 21, 2014 8:00 PM

Strategic steps need be taken to win back our democracy. At present, our elected officials, from local to national, are elected, and very often do not represent the best interests of the people. Political longevity and financial gain are often preeminent in their efforts. Therefore, far greater scrutiny of their efforts and results needs to be instituted. The following concept - Tuesday Night - would refocus politicians' efforts on their constituents, where it always should have been.

I offer a presentation to groups about this concept. Please call Ron Deady (208) 758-0579, or via email:


Purpose: This is a practical proposal to alleviate the existing political reality where politicians trade votes and priorities to enhance their political futures - at the expense of America.

Existing situation: As politicians from local to federal levels decide their priorities, their decisions, have, sadly, proven to be most often driven by personal political longevity, rather than the needs of the nation. This reality has led to impasse at every level. The missing ingredient is the will of the American people. The lack of progress has marginalized America - internally, and in the eyes of the world. Presently, few of our citizens opt to participate in the political process. Further exacerbating the issue, our elected officials exploit the absence of the common sense of the will of our people, thus gaining vast power and financial wealth from the 'moral' vacuum.

Proposal: There need be created an information session where the citizens' voices and needs are clearly heard and promoted by their elected representatives. We have become a computer savvy nation. The compilation of the voices - concerns and common sense - that comes from our citizenry is presently not just muffled, it is not solicited. There is a way to change that reality.

Method: On one evening of the month, citizens across America will tune in to a TV channel which encapsulates the issues being discussed on the local, county, state, and federal levels. Fifteen minutes will focus on each category except for federal issues of 20 minutes. The citizen listens to a pro and con of each issue. Detailed further information is made available on the net so citizens can decide. The citizen then calls from their own phone where the last four digits of their Social Security number is given, and prompts gain and compile inputs.

Given: The fact that 'politicos' would attempt to twist this concept into their own uses, an independent agency would be entrusted with the compilation and distribution of data for use by citizens.

Results: To suggest that this process would become 'marching orders' for politicians is probably an excellent concept - but, not in concert with our Constitution. Therefore, the accumulated data would be evaluated, and a score would be created that indicates the needs of the people on the local, county, state and federal levels for each issue.

That score would then be compared with the voting record of the politician and a tracking of the will of the politician versus the will of the people will be tracked - and thus used at election time.

Note: Since the American electorate is 'turned off' to the political impasse, a solution is desperately needed to get citizens involved. Given a voice 'of reason,' might necessitate a financial reword for participation. Other nations have initiated such a concept with success, Australia being one.

The Great Promise that America is a place where the citizens' voice(s) guide our futures, has been subverted. Perhaps 'the best' citizens wouldn't involve themselves with 'politics' today. We pay a bitter price for that reality. This plan is a far-reaching solution to our dilemma. Without such solutions, some now opt to forecast doom for our nation. It is time we change that prediction.

Call Ronald Deady, (208) 758-0579, or email

Ronald Deady is a Coeur d'Alene resident.