AIRPORT: Need more probing
Where are the investigative reporters from the Coeur d’Alene Press? Why are they not asking questions of the participants in the firing of Greg Delavan — the Hayden city managers, the commissioners, the probable developers waiting in the wings, etc. Let’s have an article with some answers. Don’t leave it to all the people who have written letters and gone to meetings to keep this in the public eye.
A meeting with the commissioners where there is only one item on the agenda, specifically designed to short circuit any action, except the one they want to rush through, should be investigated further for the benefit of the citizens of this area. No one is publicly giving any reasons for their actions and we deserve to know what our elected/paid representatives are doing.
The consequences of chasing short-term profit from development in the vicinity of the airport should be fully laid out for us. Consider the many hundreds of millions of dollars Los Angeles Airport has had to spend buying and demolishing houses in the flight path of the airport. A bad decision here could hamper business development in the future and cost us millions.
Coeur d’Alene