Sunday, October 06, 2024

United we stand with nonprofits

by MARK TUCKER/Guest Opinion
| November 8, 2014 8:00 PM

Nonprofit organizations throughout Idaho are coming together this November to celebrate Idaho Nonprofit Awareness Month. The purpose of Idaho Nonprofit Awareness Month is to educate the public about the contributions that nonprofits make every day in our communities; to help create a better understanding about the value and importance of the sector to our state; and to increase volunteerism and philanthropy in this time of economic challenge. The nonprofit sector contributes more than $3 billion to the Idaho economy annually (Idaho Nonprofit Center data), is responsible for 10 percent of its workforce, and serves the state's people in a variety of ways.

"Nonprofits serve our communities in ways we don't always recognize," said Janice Fulkerson, executive director of the Idaho Nonprofit Center. "Whether it is the arts, education, health, human services, animal rescue, environmental or social benefit activities, nonprofits are woven into the fabric of our day-to-day lives. I hope Nonprofit Month helps illustrate to Idahoans how our state's nonprofit sector contributes to solving problems, strengthening communities, and creating a strong quality of life where we all live, work, and play."

At United Way of Kootenai County, we work daily with many nonprofit organizations who provide vital work to our community. Our goal is to be an invaluable resource to nonprofit professionals and volunteers all across Kootenai County. We do this by providing access to one of the nation's most complete database of funders through the Foundation Center. We also are a connection to volunteers through our Volunteer Center website, where community members can sign up to volunteer for a wide variety of opportunities with nonprofit agencies who can post their free day to day or annual event volunteer needs.

We also build relationships with the community at large through our annual giving campaign through outreach and fundraising events. Our annual Day of Caring connected 342 volunteers this year to dozens of projects county-wide. Many company employees and community members have learned about these great organizations through United Way of Kootenai County and often become longtime volunteers and donors.

It is fitting that the month of Thanksgiving is also the month to celebrate the work of our many nonprofit agencies. As a community, we should all be thankful for the phenomenal work they do every day. Nonprofits work very lean. It is incredibly humbling to represent the United Way partner agencies and provide resources for all nonprofits in this community. And it is rewarding when community members realize the work being done and how easy it is to help.

The second half of Thanksgiving is giving; join the many individuals and companies who make a difference every day and give back to your community. Make a one-time contribution or ask your employer to set up payroll deduction, the easiest way to give. United Way of Kootenai County can provide an opportunity to donate to our Community Care Fund (focused on Education, Basic Needs, and Health) or to any of our community's great 501(c)(3) charitable organizations.

For more information on Nonprofit Awareness Month, visit the Idaho Nonprofit Center website ( To see the many volunteer opportunities in Kootenai County, visit our website ( and click on VOLUNTEER. Kootenai County is fortunate to have such great organizations making a difference and great community members willing to step up to ensure our nonprofit organizations continue to thrive. Thank you for everything you do... all of you.

Mark Tucker is executive director of United Way of Kootenai County.