Tuesday, October 22, 2024

FIREARMS: Cease fire on the attacks

| November 5, 2014 8:00 PM

This election cycle commercials are running on television over and over again regarding firearm issues. There seems to be a concerted effort to convince the voter we need more laws on the books to protect the private citizen, as well as our police, from the danger of firearms.

I am 89 years old and a World War II vet who served my country in order that we might keep the freedoms that are now in jeopardy. I am old enough to see the tomfoolery in these commercials, but not too old that I can’t see a misguided racket when it’s in front of me.

The commercials claim there is a “loop hole” in the law that allows criminals to purchase firearms at gun shows or online. The commercials attempt to trick us into believing the National Rifle Association is in support of these new laws. This could not be further from the truth. The NRA is very clear in stating these laws do nothing to further protect our citizens, and police offers, but rather the laws are just a further chipping away of our Second Amendment rights.

Don’t be fooled! There need not be any changes to the laws already in place. Procedures are already in place to prevent criminals from getting firearms. When it is all said and done the old adage is true: “When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.” If a criminal wants a gun, he is going to get one no matter what additional laws we put on the books. Criminals don’t follow laws we already have, why would they follow additional laws?

With the continual attack on our Second Amendment, it will only be the private law-abiding citizen that will be the one losing their rights while the criminal continues to run rampant.


Coeur d’Alene