Monday, October 14, 2024

Our summer favorites

by George Balling/The Dinner Party
| May 28, 2014 9:00 PM

Our first couple years, for Mary being back in the Northwest and for me living here for the first time, we frankly wondered if summer would ever arrive. Of course, that was the springs of 2008 and 2009. This year, spring has been spectacular and summer appears to be on schedule, so our thoughts turn to firing up the grill and some of our favorite summer food and wine pairings. The food and wine both get a bit lighter, flavors fresher, and the aforementioned grill works overtime. Here are some ideas for you to enjoy all summer long!

Would it be a summer wine article without a mention of dry rose? Probably not. The crop of dry, crisp and zippy pink wine is as robust as ever. Cheverny from Domaine du Salvard in the Loire Valley in France ($18), Gilbert from Washington State ($18), the ever-popular Skylark Pink Belly ($21) and the Elk Cove Rose of Pinot Noir ($15) are all great choices and are versatile with food. Try any of them with smoked pork shoulder, grilled salmon or, our personal favorite for a picnic lunch or entertaining on the deck, a pan bagnat. This is the large sandwich made in France on a full round country loaf with your choice of ingredients, then drizzled with olive oil and balsamic vinegar and compressed under a brick for 24 hours.

When we lived in California, we became familiar with the "Arnie Burger," popularized by actor and later governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger. Regardless of opinion of his films, the burger for us was a hit! Just prepare your favorite burger and toppings and instead of having it on a bun, wrap the burger in a couple of firm leaves of head lettuce, saving the "carbs" for the French fries or other sides that go so well with this summer tradition - which leads us to burger wines. Try the Canta Perdices ($16) 100 percent Tempranillo from the Ribera del Duoro in Spain. It has both the heft and the acid to go with grilled burgers. The Rib Shack Red ($12) and Barbed Wire ($13) red blends will work great, too, and remain some of our best sellers. If Cabernet is what you prefer with your burgers, we suggest going just a bit lighter to help manage the warm weather, like the Lucinda & Millie ($12).

Ribs are one of the favorite summer treats around our house, and whether you like beef or pork, smoked or grilled with the ketchup-based barbecue sauce, or the more savory flavors of braised ribs, one of the great secret pairings we know of is slightly chilled Grenache with your choice of ribs. The subtle earthiness and bright cherry flavors of Grenache really come out with this pairing. Chill the wine for 20-30 minutes in the refrigerator and serve with the ribs; you will be blown away at the combination. We like the Shatter Grenache ($21) from Dave Phinney and Joel Gott, as well as the L'O de Joncier ($17).

Grenache-based blends will work for this, too, like the Chateau du Montfaucon ($15), or the Coujan Rouge ($13).

One of our fondest North Idaho summer memories is having dinner at a friend's cabin on Hayden Lake. They prepared some of the best fried oysters we have ever had. Shellfish just seem like a natural fit with summertime, so whether it be Nels' fried oysters or grilled shrimp or lobster, they are great meals to enjoy outdoors. Dry, briney whites with good acid and minerality are the way to go for seafood. The Skylark Pinot Blanc ($22) every year is one of the most elegant white wines we know of and has just the right mix of lush fruit flavors and firm acid. Picpoul de Pinet is a lesser-known white varietal grown in several regions of France that has the sea salt brininess to go well with shellfish. Try the Les Cantates ($16) from the Savoie region. Finally, the Cheverny Blanc from Domaine du Salvard ($18), a blend of mostly Sauvignon Blanc and Chardonnay without oak, is just perfect with shellfish on its own or served on a salad.

Summer is short and spectacular here in North Idaho - the best we have found anywhere we have lived. It should be embraced for the great weather, and with great summer food and wine pairings. Check with your favorite wine professional or stop by the shop for wines that go well with your summer fare. For any of the recipes in the article, just stop by the shop or email and we will be happy to forward them.

If there is a topic you would like to read about, or if you have questions on wine, you can email, or make suggestions by contacting the Healthy Community section at the Coeur d'Alene Press.

George Balling is co-owner with his wife Mary Lancaster of the dinner party, a wine and table top decor shop in Coeur d'Alene by Costco. George has also worked as a judge in many wine competitions; his articles are published around the country and is the wine editor for Coeur d'Alene Magazine ( You can learn more about the dinner party at You can get all of these articles, as well as other great wine tips, by friending us on Facebook!/dinnerpartyshop.