Saturday, October 12, 2024

MARINA: A plague on Bennett Bay

| May 18, 2014 9:00 PM

To Mr. Roger Johnson, Senior Resource Specialist, Department of Lands, Coeur d’Alene:

It has come to our attention that Ms. Jillian Cooper, Australia, has applied for a permit to construct a marina in Bennett Bay.

We are absolutely, totally against this. A marina with big, loud boats would destroy the lifestyle we have enjoyed in Bennett Bay since we moved here in 1976. We get our drinking water from the lake. The marina would inevitably destroy the water quality, making it undrinkable for us. Also, there is a water district up on the hill that draws their water from the lake right next to where Ms. Cooper wishes to locate her marina.

We swim and boat and fish in the lake. Kokanee swim up Bennett Creek to spawn. Crawfish crawl along the rocks on the bottom of the lake. We enjoy fishing in our bay for Kokanee, bass, trout and other sport fish. We also enjoy watching other fishermen who come to our bay to fish. A marina would destroy fish habitat because of the gas and oil spills, and the garbage that boaters feel no shame in dropping out of their boats into the water.

We see deer come down to the lake to drink. We have seen black bears. We see beavers, which come down to Bennett Creek to swim along the shore of the lake. In the evenings we can see the little circles fish make as they come to the surface for insects. We have all kinds of waterfowl which nest near the lake — Great Blue Herons, Kingfishers, Mallards, Canada Geese and Pacific Loons. Bald Eagles and Osprey drop out of the sky to catch fish right in front our eyes. One January there were two migrating Trumpeter Swans resting on the bay.

Besides the pollution of the water, big boats entering and exiting from a marina make huge waves, which destroy our beach and shoreline. Their loud engines destroy our peace and tranquility. Other boaters come to Bennett Bay to anchor and spend the day, sometimes night, enjoying the same peace and tranquility on the calm water here.

We love the peaceful, calm environment of Bennett Bay. Please tell Ms. Jillian Cooper: “NO, No marina on Bennett Bay!” Thank you for your attention to our concerns.


Coeur d’Alene