Friday, October 11, 2024

POLITICS: Party isn't the answer

| June 29, 2014 9:00 PM

Ignorance is not bliss! How an intelligent person can neglect to familiarize themselves with the issues prior to entering the voting booth is beyond me. The political environment of Idaho is not acceptable to the majority of us, yet we keep voting “party” because we’re spoon-fed what to think via television and radio.

For instance many Idahoans are of the impression our economy is bad, really bad. Yet, if they were paying attention to the fact that existing homes and newly constructed homes are selling, and an enormous number of apartment complexes have been and are still being constructed within the last 12 months. Car sales are up and the unemployment rate is down, not to mention a historically high stock market.

It’s obvious the politicians have a self-serving interest, and pass bills enabling (that’s where the ring in our nose comes in handy through the media, TV and radio) the rich to gain wealth and the poor, disabled, struggling people, and our children, the future leaders of our county, to lose out.

I realize most of us are very busy and depend on our elected officials to do what’s best for our state and country, but we’d better start keeping an eye on what is really happening. Who’s benefiting from sending an abundance of money to fight wars, all the while we’re neglecting our children’s education, neglecting our veterans and losing fine young soldiers to wars in countries whose citizens live to fight and have for centuries?

I was once a person who depended on my spouse’s input and what I heard on TV and radio, then voted accordingly. Finally, I realized I had a brain. Now I think for myself and make informed decisions.

The old adage, “If it’s not broke, don’t fix it,” is good advice, but our funding for education, level of educational standards for K-12 and those working at rock-bottom wages, is reflective of a broken system. Change can and will happen if we actually read the issues for ourselves, then enter the voting booth as an informed person. Take it upon yourself to be a party of one to bring about change.


Coeur d’Alene