Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Lab rescued from ditch

by Brian Walker Bwalker@Cdapress.Com
| July 23, 2014 9:00 PM


<p>Bridger recovers from his injuries while connected to a Infusion pump at River City Animal Hospital July 22 in Post Falls. A teen was arrested Friday and faces charges of animal cruelty in connection with the dog's injuries. </p>

POST FALLS - The injured yellow Labrador found motionless in a ditch at Falls Park on Monday would've died without intervention, rescuers said Tuesday.

The male dog was spotted by a pair of teenage hikers in a 6-foot-deep part of Corbin Ditch, and rescued by Post Falls Police and Kootenai County Fire and Rescue.

As of Tuesday, the dog's owner was unknown. Police have named him "Bridger" in the interim. He was found near Avista Utilities' one-way bridge and the restored Corbin Ditch headgate.

"The dog was extremely dehydrated," Post Falls police Chief Scot Haug said. "I think it would have died had someone not called."

With the rough terrain, KCFR Lt. John Ward said, the dog wouldn't have been able to get out on his own.

"The dog didn't want to get up," Ward said. "He didn't want anyone to mess with him. He was in a lot of pain and didn't want to be moved. He was happy to get some water. We're guessing he was in there at least a day or two."

The dog suffered injuries to his head, legs and back, but X-rays showed no broken bones, rescuers said.

Rescuers lifted the dog, estimated to be 80 pounds, out of the ditch on a litter basket before putting him on a gurney and into an ambulance. He is recovering at River City Animal Hospital.

A muzzle was placed on the dog so rescuers could proceed with getting him out of the ditch.

"There was no easy way to get in or out of the ditch," Ward said. "We jumped down into it and had to climb back out."

It's unclear whether the dog fell into the ditch on his own or if someone placed him there.

"I wonder if it was chasing a bird or squirrel and fell into the ditch," Ward said.

Ward said it's the first time in several years that KCFR has rescued a dog.

"Usually they're able to get themselves out of a predicament," he said.

Heath's Haven, a dog rescue nonprofit, has agreed to take the dog if the owner doesn't come forward in the next few days. The dog will need to undergo physical therapy.

Those with information are urged to call Post Falls Police at 773-3517.