Tuesday, October 08, 2024

NIC narrows planning focus

by MAUREEN DOLAN/Staff writer
| January 23, 2014 8:00 PM

COEUR d'ALENE - North Idaho College trustees have directed the college's administration to narrow NIC's facilities planning focus to one construction project - expansion of the college's professional technical training programs.

The trustees gave the directive Wednesday during their regular monthly meeting, after they were asked by NIC President Joe Dunlap to approve development of an in-depth, multi-project, long-range facilities plan. A draft work plan was presented by Dave Teater and Doug Nichols, a pair of school facilities planning and capital project management experts introduced to the trustees by Dunlap.

The plan named four specific capital construction projects the pair would be involved in, if hired: a professional-technical training facility, a sports complex and event center, a joint-use facility, and a student recreation center.

"Are we interested in the multiple projects? We know what our No. 1 priority is. Would we like to direct the president to focus on one project?" asked Trustee Christie Wood.

Wood said she could not support a plan that includes all four projects.

The trustees have repeatedly stated that development of the professional technical training facility is their highest priority. However, discussions and presentations about other projects have taken place during board meetings for several months.

"I agree with Christie. I believe the same as you do, this is a lot, and we're better off, in my opinion, to break these up into separate projects and develop a master plan for individual projects," said Trustee Ron Nilson.

Nilson said he's not sure they would gain anything by adding discussions about an event center into the master planning for a professional technical facility.

Earlier in the meeting, Nilson said he had presented his fellow board members with a letter stating that he objects to any plan for the college to develop an event center.

NIC has been involved in discussions about the event center/sports complex project for the past year, since opportunities for private land donations and urban renewal funding for the project may be possible.

At the recommendation of board chair Ken Howard, the facilities planning motion was amended to direct the administration to focus on planning for the professional technical facility only.

Payment for the services of school facilities planning experts Teater and Nichols will come from funds that would have been used to pay the salary of Ron Dorn. Dorn was the college's vice president of operations and facilities. He retired effective Jan. 3.

Dorn will be replaced within a few months, but in the meantime, facilities planning and capital funds management for the professional technical training facility can continue.

The trustees have not yet selected a site for expansion of those programs.