Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Paranoid to the core

| January 15, 2014 8:00 PM

Idaho's education committee chairs earn an A for patience and persistence. In their protracted quest to calm concerns about Common Core and Idaho Core Standards, Sen. John Goedde and Rep. Reed DeMordaunt are hosting a forum on Jan. 22 at the state capitol - a forum intended to inform citizens and, perhaps, to neutralize some of the most poisonous Common Core pills being distributed by critics.

While we commend these Republican legislators for their effort, we suspect it's a waste of time. At this juncture, those who believe Common Core - more locally, the Idaho Core Standards - is a secret torpedo speeding toward the American Way of Life are not likely to be convinced otherwise.

The disinformation campaign rages on, with more baseless rhetoric than a divorce mediation session. The claim that Common Core is an insidious federal project spun from the sticky web of President Obama has been refuted - refuted repeatedly by fact-wielding Republicans who aren't particularly enamored of either federalism or Obama and, as a matter of fact, insist that there's room for American education to improve and to be held more accountable. But that hasn't quieted the naysayers.

Here's just a sampling of how national figures are beating the fear drum against Common Core:

"This is the progressive movement coming in for the kill. And believe me, if we don't stop it, this will be the kill." - Glenn Beck

"Obama Core is a comprehensive plan to dumb down schoolchildren so they will be obedient servants of the government and probably to indoctrinate them to accept the leftwing view of America and its history." - Phyllis Schlafly

"Your child or grandchild will not be able to escape Common Core materials that are anti-Christian, anti-capitalism, and anti-America. Or that are pro-homosexuality, illegal immigration, unions, environmentalism, gun control, feminism and social justice." - Elois Zeanah

"Now they're teaching something called Common Core. Folks, this president is emulating dictators. Do you not understand that he is not playing games? If you look at Mao Tse-tung, this boy is emulating Mao Tse-tung to a T." - Bradlee Dean (Yes, we noticed the use of "boy" too.)

You get the idea. See what Sen. Goedde, Rep. DeMordaunt and Common Core/Idaho Core Standards proponents are up against? They're trying to excise fatty falsehoods from folks who eagerly pile their plates high with paranoid gibberish.

In fairness, Common Core does contain an element of danger. When we raise generations of smarter, more accountable students, they'll be less likely to buy whatever it is that Beck and Schlafly are selling.