Sunday, October 06, 2024

OBAMA: Worst president - ever

| January 15, 2014 8:12 PM

I was born during the second term of FDR and thus have lived through the administrations of 13 presidents. I believe our current “president” is by far the worst, most dangerous in the history of America. Obama’s legacy will be socialism, insolvency, and the financial destruction of our country. No thinking person could deny that Obama is a marxist, and is doing everything in his power to destroy our economy with the most massive debt and deficits ever seen in history. He is also systematically intending to surrender America’s sovereignty to the “New World Order” through numerous “trade agreements” which will place America under the U.N. His plan is to utterly destroy our free enterprise system and institute socialism as our new economic system. This very year, we could see the collapse of the word’s financial system which would make the recent “recession” seem like child’s play.

All of this is clear to anyone who will take the time to do some homework into the background of Obama. He has been groomed for years by his radical mentors like marxists Saul Alinsky, and Obama’s “Uncle Frank,” who was the well-known Communist, Franklin Marshall Davis, author of many articles in various magazines. Obama’s agenda is clear: The destruction of America. It is heartbreaking for those of us who have watched in horror, as our president appointed more than 100 left-wing “czars” to rule over the U.S. economy. He has clearly and often violated his oath of office and committed numerous impeachable acts, including failure to protect American diplomats like our Ambassador Christopher Stevens, who was brutally raped and murdered by Islamist thugs during the attack on the U.S. Mission in Benghazi. Obama has circumvented Congress on numerous occasions, and has signed an executive order that gives him dictatorial power to impose martial law at any time he chooses. Some say it is already too late to save America, because the damage has been done and cannot be undone. Our debt and deficits are so great that they can never be repaid, and when the world’s financial markets act on that fact, and refuse to purchase America’s bonds, our economy will stop within days. This is almost unimaginable to most of us, but the reality is upon us. There is not much time to take action, but I remain positive that there are still enough Americans who will do the right thing and urge — no, insist — that our leaders remove this impostor from office at the earliest possible moment, before he becomes “King Obama.”


Coeur d’Alene