Sunday, October 13, 2024

Time for change

by JEFF SELLE/Staff writer
| January 8, 2014 8:00 PM


<p>Outgoing mayor Sandi Bloem reads from a plaque while presenting it to Deanna Goodlander, outgoing city council member, just moments before their terms ended. Woody McEvers, returning council member, later voted council president, takes photographs of the moment.</p>

COEUR d'ALENE - More than 150 people turned out Tuesday night to witness a change of guard on the Coeur d'Alene City Council.

The outgoing city council opened the meeting and quickly dispensed with some minor housekeeping issues, and then took public comments.

As expected, several members of the public thanked the outgoing mayor and council members for their service, and some even presented plaques.

The Coeur d'Alene Fire Local 710 presented Councilwoman Deanna Goodlander and Councilman Mike Kennedy with plaques adorned with fire hatchets.

Mayor Sandi Bloem received a 4-foot-long plaque with a full-size fire ax.

Council members presented Bloem with a plaque that had a gavel on it.

"This isn't as big as the ax, though," said Kennedy as he presented it to the mayor, but the plaque and thank-you speech elicited a standing ovation for Bloem.

The council members all had a little something to say about their service and the service of others.

"I have served under eight mayors," said Councilman Ron Edinger. "And I can say that you have been one of the best."

Both Kennedy and Goodlander thanked the city staff, and discussed how much they were going to miss them.

Then it was time to swear in the new council and mayor.

Mayor Steve Widmyer went first.

"This is the last time I get to tell you what to do," joked City Clerk Renata McLeod as she led him through his oath.

Council members Woody McEvers, Kiki Miller and Amy Evans were all sworn in as well.

When the new council was seated, Mayor Widmyer opened the meeting with a gavel his father made for him back in September, while he was still running for mayor.

"I am very excited to begin, as Sandi said, a new chapter," he said. "And I am very excited to use this new gavel my father made for me."

His father was excited for Widmyer and spoke during the public testimony section of the meeting, saying his son would work hard for the city of Coeur d'Alene.

"I always listen to my father, and father set down the challenge that I will work hard for all of the city residents" Widmyer said. "But his phone number will be on the website in case you have any problems."

The first order of business was to elect a council president, and they quickly elected McEvers to the position.

Widmyer then appointed each council member with committee assignments.

Councilman Edinger was appointed to the General Service Committee, Tubbs Hill, Parks Foundation, Park and Recreation Committee, and the Senior Center.

Councilwoman Miller will be a member of the Public Works Committee, Library Board and Panhandle Area Council.

Councilman Gookin will be on the Public Works Committee and the Kootenai Metropolitan Planning Organization.

Council President McEvers will be involved with Public Works and Cd'A TV.

Councilman Adams will be on the General Services and the Pedestrian Bike Committees.

Councilwoman Evans will be on the General Services Committee, the Arts Commission and the Parking Commission.

After the appointments the meeting was continued to Jan. 14, when the council will meet in a workshop setting to learn more about the city's planning and land use codes. That meeting will be at noon in the old council chambers.

Mayor Bloem farewell event Thursday

COEUR d'ALENE - The community is invited to come and recognize outgoing Mayor Sandi Bloem for her 12 years of service with the city.

There will be an open house on Thursday from 6 to 8 p.m. in the Community Room of the Kroc Center, 1765 W. Golf Course Road.

The event is free and refreshments will be provided.

Mayor Bloem began her tenure in 2001 and opted not to seek a fourth term. Under her leadership, the city experienced several monumental accomplishments, including a new downtown library, Higher Education Campus, Community Kroc Center, and the current construction of McEuen Park.

"I believe creating membership in a community is the central feature in building prosperity," Bloem said last month during her final state of the city address. "More and more, people are choosing to return to Coeur d'Alene, to live here, to retire here, to recreate and raise a family here."