Tuesday, October 08, 2024

OBAMA: Hit wall on health plan

| January 8, 2014 8:00 PM

The rollout of Obamacare has been challenging. But, let’s not forget why it was proposed. Our health-care costs have averaged approximately twice that of other industrialized nations. Our nation’s health is rated last of those same nations. Our higher costs reflect business interests that don’t exist in other countries. Medicare and the VA (our two government programs) have the most positive ratings by health-care consumers.

And yet, Obama hit a stone wall, created by Republicans, in trying to improve this flawed and antiquated system. We are too smart to now confuse an obstacle for a problem. The logistics of health care can be fixed. In my opinion, Medicare for all would have been the best solution. And I suspect that the president felt the same way but knew that it was politically untenable.

Meanwhile, overseas we have a resurgent al-Qaida in Iraq. That misguided war of choice by President Bush practically bankrupted us. Al-Qaida had no presence there before, and Iran and Iraq focused most of their aggressions upon counterbalancing each other’s power.

Support of universal health care and opposition to that war would have made a lot more sense. Can common sense prevail over power, money and politics?


Bellingham, Wash.