Tuesday, October 08, 2024

TRAPS: Their time has gone

| February 7, 2014 8:00 PM

Here we go again! Another family ruined by the senseless loss of their pet by some lazy coward. They remind me of the Vietcong or a terrorist setting booby traps to seriously injure or kill anything from family pets, hunting dogs or protected animals — or maybe a child.

According to the pet owner, there was no identification on the trap. If you look on Page 43 of the Upland Game and Furbearer rules, it states: “All traps or snares shall have attached a medal tag bearing the name and current address of the trapper, or a six digit number assigned by Fish and Game.” Apparently Fish and Game said there was nothing they could do. This was an illegal trap; it should have been confiscated and destroyed. Fish and Game also advised to keep your pet on a leash. Right, try bird hunting with your dog on a leash. Since a lot of trapping takes place on National or Federal land, maybe it’s time to petition the Feds to do something, especially near roads and trails used by people and their pets.

There was an article in The Press on how to free something from a trap. Once they are caught, the damage is already done (broken bones or death). These are dangerous devices that are hidden and should be outlawed.

If Fish and Game doesn’t want to lose revenue from trapping permits (those who actually buy them, that is), then get rid of trapping and raise the price of out of state hunting and fishing permits.

