Tuesday, October 08, 2024

GOP: Time to all pull together

| February 5, 2014 8:00 PM

REPUBLICANS UNITE: Like it or not, that’s the only chance our country has to avoid the sure downfall of democracy that socialism is ushering in. This coming election may be our last chance to secure the destiny of the USA. We need to take back the Senate and bolster the House of Representatives, as well as secure Idaho’s political stance.

Why have the Democrats (socialists) won the last two presidential and Senate races? Because they are ORGANIZED. We are not. They have a plan. We are only stumbling in the dark. They have a definite purpose. We only have a hodgepodge of conflicting ideologies. We cannot win with our present mind-set. The socialist Democrats know that the old axiom of “Divide and Conquer” really works. They’ve proven it the last two elections.

We are engaged in not only a battle for our country, but a battle against immorality. Jesus said that a kingdom or a house divided against itself cannot stand. Those are sure words of prophecy, which will definitely come to pass unless we heed his warning.

The United States, long the ultimate bastion of freedom, is on the brink of becoming a socialist, welfare state subject to and dependent upon the government for every need.

It is disheartening to see the local Republican party in such disarray. They are divided into the extreme right wing and moderates, each group convinced that only their way is the right one. President Reagan would not be pleased to have his name used to divide the Republican Party.

I applaud the efforts that Bjorn Handeen is making to unite the local Republican Party, however some ultra conservatives decry his efforts as compromise. Well, compromise is necessary, not on moral issues, but for party unity and stability.

There is one sure thing about politics; you will not get everything your way. It’s time everyone realized this and worked for a common cause. There is a need for the extreme right in the GOP. Otherwise it will drift further and further to the left. If you shut them out they will become Libertarians or Independents. There is also a need for the moderates, or we will end up with anarchists leading our party.

I also applaud Neil Oliver for working to bring order and mutual respect back into the local political process. He is so right about working hard to elect your choice in the primary election, but then getting behind the nominees for the general election.

We also need the votes of Independents and Libertarians. How do you think our party wrangling appeals to them? Many get so disgusted that they fail to vote at all except for their own nominees.

I plan to be at the next Precinct 52 meeting and get involved. I hope you will be there too.


Coeur d’Alene