Thursday, October 10, 2024

Light shed on shooting at long last

by Doug Miller/Guest Opinion
| February 1, 2014 8:00 PM

Several months ago we had a tragic shooting and a story about it by Cd'A staffer David Cole appeared in The Press, which prompted me to write a letter to The Press expressing disappointment that Mr. Cole had intentionally slanted the story to make our community question local law enforcement's commitment to protecting us.

For those just tuning in, an intoxicated driver drove on our county roads, then lost control of his vehicle while hundreds of families and friends returned from the Kootenai County Fair. When the police arrived, the driver was shot and killed while resisting arrest. Mr. Cole contended that the driver was a "victim" of our county's law enforcement, and went on to write a very skewed version of the events based on random comments from neighbors, and his own fertile imagination. Mr. Cole felt there was no reason for the outcome and questioned our law enforcement's honor. I challenged his version in my Sept. 1 letter, which resulted in many letters to the editor both criticizing and supporting me. That criticism demonstrated the effectiveness of Mr. Cole's divisive column - people believed what he wrote, which we now know was a complete and utter fabrication.

In that letter, I also challenged Mr. Cole to write a followup story when the inevitable facts regarding what truly happened that night came out. Well, that time has come.

It turns out that there is not only a documented report by the officer of the events that night, but there is also actual video from the officer's body cam. The events that night played out pretty much as you would expect of a well trained officer confronted with a man advancing on him. A man armed with a knife. Repeated warnings by the officer went unheeded, and repeated advances and threatening behavior continued as the officer sought to prevent the use of deadly force.

There is no trace of Mr. Cole's version of events, which went out to roughly 25,000 Kootenai County residents in The Press. It was the talk of the town, and some people undoubtedly altered their view of our community's law enforcement for a time - particularly the parts of our community who have more interaction with our law enforcement. How many resisted compliance as a result of Mr. Cole's slanted and divisive article? How many will in the future and will it perhaps cause another loss of life?

I think Mr. Cole's story had a divisive effect on our community, and I don't think we should stand for that type of journalism here. We get plenty of it on the national level, and I believe most of us here love the sense of community that exists in and around Coeur d'Alene. It's a defining aspect of our city, and something people around this divided nation would give their eyeteeth to enjoy in their own home towns.

No, Mr. Cole, predictably it turns out there is no hidden agenda by local law enforcement to use deadly force randomly on our citizens. The well trained folks in uniform here are friendly, helpful and do a fantastic job keeping this area safe and sound. The officer in this case actually accepted the risk of deadly injury on camera by allowing an armed and threatening person to approach while the officer retreated and repeatedly asked him to stop. I hope he receives a reward for valor, and I hope I get invited to the ceremony.

As I said in my letter that day, our local law enforcement should be recognized for their professionalism by giving a wave as we pass in our cars. They'll see it even if you just lift your fingers off the wheel - they are trained to watch for small details. At that time I remember suggesting that we wave for the month of September, but recently I realized I am still waving to them as I pass, and they are still waving back. Maybe you should try it yourself, Mr. Cole. I will watch for your article. And to the family and friends of the driver, I am sorry for your loss and for what you have gone through.

Doug Miller is a Hayden resident. He is not the Doug Miller involved in hydroplane racing.