Saturday, September 28, 2024

Ask your audiologist...

by Dr. Tia Flynn
| December 10, 2014 8:00 PM

I went shopping for a pair of hearing aids, and I am confused about the different levels of technology. How do I know which ones to purchase?

It can be difficult for a layman to try to figure out which level of technology to buy. I will try to make it simple to understand. Most manufacturers have three to five levels of technology, technology being the computer chip inside the hearing aid that processes the sound. If everyone could afford the best, I would get everyone the best, but there is a big difference in the cost of the three to five levels; typically, $1,000 to $2,500 per aid for good sound quality. I personally do not recommend aids that cost less than $1,000 per ear, because I have found the quality of sound to be lacking, and an aid in the drawer (because it doesn't sound right) doesn't help anyone. The more one spends on the sound processor, the better job the aid will do to help you hear in background noise.

One of the leading manufacturers has come out with a hearing aid loaner, which can be programmed at any of the levels of technology so one can hear the difference. I currently have four pairs of these adjustable loaners. Just call for a hearing aid consultation to try the adjustable loaners and you can hear for yourself why technology matters.

Dr. Tia Flynn is a certified audiologist and has been in business for more than 14 years. Every Tuesday morning from 9 a.m. to noon, Dr. Flynn provides free hearing screenings at 1601 Third St. in Coeur d'Alene. (208) 664-2767. Visit our newly updated website for an online hearing test and watch helpful videos.