Saturday, May 04, 2024

Another side to teachers union

by Bob Shillingstad
| September 17, 2013 9:00 PM

There are many of the "My Turn" columns that need a response, correction or clarification; however, I normally decide to ignore the misinformation and move on. The column in Saturday's paper entitled "Why I belong to a union" by the CEA President Derek Kohles gave such an unbelievable view of the teachers union that I had to respond.

The largest union in the country and arguably the most powerful is also one of the most radical organizations in our country and is well outside the mainstream of American thought and tradition. Mr. Kohles uses words like "patriotism," "devotion to democratic principles" and that the union represents all of the political spectrum - "liberal, moderate and conservative." Having taught for 13 years (I joined the NEA my first year only thinking it was a part of joining the guild until I saw clearly their agenda) and consulted with school districts for a few years on labor relations and educating them on what they were facing, I believe I have the background to give a clear picture of who the NEA really is.

Going back 30 years ago the NEA's "Today's Education" printed their agenda that "The National Education Association believes that communications between certified personnel and students must be legally privileged. It urges its affiliates to aid in seeking legislation that provides this privilege and protects both educators and students."

Now, as a parent, you might have the outdated opinion that these communications are also YOUR business and also the business of administrators. This is just one example of how parents are to be isolated from the education process.

The NEA has had a strong history of promoting sex education and the homosexual agenda. For several decades the Boy Scouts were not allowed to have a display at their national convention because of their stand on homosexuality. In one of the most glaring examples, the NEA representative to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women made recommendations that included the following:

"*oral sex, masturbation, and orgasms need to be taught in education.

*advocated for more "inclusive" sex education in US schools, with curricula based on liberal heterosexual and homosexual expression.

*opposed abstinence education and the ability of parents to opt their children out of sex ed.

*those opposed to homosexuality "are stuck in a binary box that religion and family create.

*comprehensive sex education is "the only way to combat heterosexism and gender conformity."

After making these statements, NEA representative Schneider goes on to make their intentions quite clear when she said, "we must make these issues a part of every middle and high school student's agenda." We are seeing this agenda being pushed on the federal, state and local levels throughout the country.

Their own resolutions and lobbying activities show that they clearly oppose home schooling (unless they control it with curriculum and certified teachers), vouchers, private schools or competition of any kind. Their purpose is to control education because they know that through this they can change and control society.

Forty years ago in 1973 in the "Saturday Review of Education" NEA President Catherine Barrett pronounced that:

"Dramatic changes in the way we raise our children in the year 2000 are indicated, particularly in terms of schooling. We will need to recognize that the so called 'basic skills,' which currently represent nearly the total effort in elementary schools, will be taught in one-quarter of the present school day....When this happens-and it's near-the teacher can rise to his true calling. More than a dispenser of information, the teacher will be a conveyor of values, a philosopher ... We will be agents of change."

This change has been happening and the results are chilling. The values have deteriorated and test scores continue to plummet. I would agree with Mr. Kohles that there is diversity within the education profession, I am sure we all know teachers that are moderate or conservative and would and have rejected the agenda of the NEA. Unfortunately we have continued columns like the one printed that would have us believe that the NEA is a reflection of these conservative teachers and our values and to criticize them is the same as attacking the flag, mom and apple pie.

We need the public and in particular school boards, administrators and teachers to wake up to what is happening.

Teachers have formed alternative organizations that do reflect traditional education and values. Groups like Association of American Educators and Conservative Teachers of America have been growing because they are opposed to the pro-abortion, extreme views on sex education and total radical agenda of the NEA.

A quote from Dr. Dennis Cuddy who said, "The NEA has set out from the beginning to make its mark on American Education. Unfortunately that mark has been a negative one. The NEA has exchanged the three "Rs" of reading, 'riting and 'rithmetic for values clarification and self-esteem. It has replaced the classics and replaced them with school based sex clinics, sex education, and the open promotion of homosexuality. As the organization's history suggests, its goals focus more on a grab for power than excellence in education. And our nation's children have suffered because of it."

The union's traditional efforts outlined in the article are but a small part of their agenda. I would encourage every voting adult to follow the negotiations in their district. Ask for a copy of the union's labor agreement, remember that any controlling language in the agreement about curriculum and teaching is part of a legal contract enforceable in the courts. These are NOT just some goals and objectives of the district. It is important that the school board, parents and patrons of the school district make the final decisions about our children's education.

Bob Shillingstad is a Hayden resident.