Saturday, May 04, 2024

SYRIA: This is serious business

| September 11, 2013 10:36 PM

Does USA want World War III? Could be the result of a military strike upon Syria. Former USSR — now again Russia and China very much oppose more USA empire building.

Even if gassing its own people is true, USA is a hypocrite to denounce Syria. Remember Waco, Texas, and USA’s use of outlawed CS gas?

Religion motive here? George Washington’s farewell address said avoid foreign entanglements AND beware anyone undermining religion which is morals and values.

Are Muslims guilty of the King David Hotel bombing 1946? Lavon Affair bombing 1954? USS Liberty attempted sinking 1967? No. All were attempted frame-ups of Islam by the world’s real enemies.

Who profits from war? Americans who lose sons and taxes for pats on the back and maybe shiny medals? No. All wars are bankers’ wars because they profit enormously. Loan (create) money to/for both sides and do they care who wins? No. When over, they loan (create) to rebuild. Got us coming and going.

Do bankers have motive to urge war along with false flag attacks to frame their enemies? Like USS Maine, Lusitania, Pearl Harbor, Gulf of Tonkin to name a few. WTCs was another of their fine works according to former director of U.S. Army War College Dr. Alan Sabrosky.

Power of words through media are more powerful than jets and bombs. Get people to believe something (even false) and they put boots on and roll up their sleeves.

Call Congress 1-888-245-0215 and DEMAND NO MORE WARS FOR ROGUE ISRAEL!

Or is USA addicted to war?

