Thursday, October 10, 2024

SOUZA: Will be a great mayor

| October 31, 2013 11:05 PM

Mad Mary! Huh? Well, a lot of us are MAD as hell and are trying not to take it anymore. I know Mary Souza personally and think she will make a great mayor for the city of Coeur d’Alene. I am urging all my friends and foes to vote for her if you believe in respect for a hard-earned dollar. More of Mayor Bloem and her type is a recipe for disaster. Mayor Bloem’s projects end up costing significantly more than originally stated. This is in regards to the Kroc Center which at first she stated would not cost one dollar of taxpayers money and then she said one million and when it was all over the final cost to the city was three to four million with LCDC putting in a half million.

The library you all rave about (you must be easily impressed) is already in need of more parking. We tried to tell you all to move it where there was more land but you want what you want and to hell with the rest of us.

Why was $10 million spent on 16 acres when the value was $4 million? The city did not even try to buy cheaper even though property values were way down from the date the contract was signed.

We are borrowing future taxes for years to come with no rainy day fund. Where’s the outrage that the city and city council tried to steal private Sanders beach property? NO, not buy it but take it like a criminal. Those eight families had to pay over $45,000 apiece to fight to keep property they bought with their hard-earned money. They should be in prison for that but no, you all show them respect. Yeah we’re mad as HELL!


Coeur d’Alene