Monday, October 14, 2024

SOUZA: Speaks for all citizens

| October 19, 2013 9:00 PM

There is a great deal to be lost if we don’t elect Mary Souza our Mayor. There should be no such thing as “have” verses “have nots” in local politics, and it isn’t “republican” verses “democrat.” It is about the people, all the people. Mary Souza has, time and again, stood up and spoken out for all the citizens of Coeur d’Alene. Mary supported the KROC Center, voted for the Library, and was not opposed to McEuen Park or the Educational Corridor, but was against the process used to get them approved. It comes down, for Mary, to what the public really wants and is willing to financially support on major projects.

Our property tax, which is the main source of all the revenue our city and LCDC spend for these projects, has increased 37 percent since 2006 (source: Idaho Freedom Foundation). Property values have not gone up (only down) during this same time period, which indicates the increasing cost of our city government. Since all the property taxpayers are ultimately funding many major projects through prior or future property tax assessments, it would make sense for the public to have a say in major expenditures. Denying a public vote, or at the least a public advisory vote, when it is our money that is being spent makes no sense.

We need a mayor and a city council that will represent ALL the voters in our city. City politics should be nonpartisan, and represent the voice of the people. How can any elected official take a position on a major project, which will cost the tax payers multiple millions of dollars, when they don’t know what is actually wanted by the people because they were not asked? The day of the benevolent dictator is long gone. Electing Mary Souza as your mayor will guarantee it never returns.


Coeur d’Alene