Sunday, September 29, 2024

Red Kettle Campaign kicks off today

| November 22, 2013 8:00 PM

COEUR d'ALENE - The Salvation Army Ray and Joan Kroc Corps Community Center will kick off the 2013 Red Kettle Campaign today in an effort to raise $185,000 for the holiday season.

Surrounded by dignitaries and top Salvation Army supporters, Coeur d'Alene Mayor Sandi Bloem will do the honors of ringing the first bell of the 2013 season at 8:15 a.m. Shortly after, bells will ring at red kettle host locations throughout Kootenai County.

The Salvation Army Kroc Center has set a goal to raise $185,000 via the red kettles, the organization's largest fundraiser.

Kootenai County residents donated a generous $174,271.28 to the Salvation Army red kettles in 2012.

"The 5 percent increase over last year is to meet the growing needs we have seen for family and youth services," said Kroc Center Executive Director Major Ben Markham. "In Salvation Army tradition, we don't give hand-outs. We help families in meaningful ways to get through tough times."

All donations collected will remain in Kootenai County to support life skills training, scholarship opportunities, and the Emergency Assistance Program which partners with several local organizations to provide food, gas, prescriptions, and heating assistance to local residents in need.

Red kettle contributions also help provide new winter clothing through The Salvation Army's Clothe a Child program. Thanks to red kettle funds, local sponsors, and volunteers, as many as 200 deserving elementary and middle school students will shop for brand new winter clothing and outerwear this December.

To help families and children in need, Kootenai County residents can make donations at 25 red kettle locations or at

The Salvation Army is also recruiting volunteers to ring bells for the red kettles in 2-hour shifts. "Volunteers really will make the difference in this year's kettle season," said Kettle Coordinator Scott Hamilton.

Anyone interesting in volunteering can visit or call 763-0673.