Wednesday, October 09, 2024

BOARD: Big issues ahead

| May 29, 2013 9:00 PM

Congratulations to the victors in the Coeur d’Alene school board election, Tom Hearn, Dave Eubanks and Christa Hazel. Let’s hope they honor their pledges to do what is best for our kids. If they don’t we’ll be there to let them and the public know. Let’s also hope that Christa Hazel is the true conservative she claimed to be in the campaign. If she was truthful, then a conservative board majority should be able to deal prudently with the financial challenges District 271 faces, including bloated health benefits, and the desire to retain the important intangibles that our bus drivers bring to the table.

Victors — educate yourselves about Common Core Standards and Progressive Education. Your ignorance of these issues did not deter your voters, but our children are at risk.

To the thousands of conservative voters who did not vote — shame on you. You have likely prevented real conservative changes from being made in our schools, to improve academics, restore acceptable standards of behavior and preserve local control. You can expect a supplemental tax levy as a reward for your lack of commitment.

We will continue to fight for our students and the taxpayers. Anything short of excellence in academics and the most value for our taxes is unacceptable. We have a long way to go to improve academics. But as to budgeting, it is fortunate for the incoming trustees that the board and Mr. Wardell have made great strides over the past year. Don’t mess it up!


Dalton Gardens

Citizens for Better Education