Sunday, October 13, 2024

Here's Sen. Nonini's controversial letter

| May 24, 2013 9:22 AM

May 17, 2013


I am back from the Legislative session in Boise and since it is election time in Kootenai County, I wanted to write you about a couple of candidates here in Post Falls. I know my constituents here in North Idaho recognize the value of keeping our taxes low and at the same time making sure we have good healthcare and good schools. Often that comes down to who we elect to local office. You might be surprised that the Hospital and School District Trustees that we will elect in Kootenai County on May 21 will spend almost 350 million dollars in public funds next year.

It always amazes us that elected officials say one thing and do another. That is the case in the Post Falls School District Trustee elections. The incumbent and the former Board Trustee seeking re-election are so out of touch with the district patrons that a change is in the works.

Carol Goodman and Glorie Ward are the Republican candidates I support for the Board of Trustees. After getting to know these two people, it becomes obvious that they not only want to provide for a quality education for the children but they want to be accountable to the taxpayers. Wow, is that a novel idea.

I have had many opportunities to meet with their opponents over the years and one thing has become apparent. Their only concern is the teacher’s union and keeping the union members happy without any regard for the residents funding Post Falls public education.

Results matter and currently about half of all Post Falls graduates who attend North Idaho College require remedial Math or English. It indicates many Post Falls graduates have not been adequately prepared for higher education, work and citizenship. Returning to getting the basics right from Kindergarten to 12th grade will be a major focus of Carol Goodman and Glorie Ward if elected.

The voters of Post Falls School District have a great opportunity on May 21 to start to take back the control of their school district. It should not be only up to the teacher’s union to make all the decisions. The district needs people, now more than ever, to be accountable to the children, parents and taxpayers. Please join me and many others in supporting Carol Goodman and Glorie Ward for the Post Falls School Board Trustees.


Senator Bob Nonini