Sunday, September 22, 2024

Natural treatment of depression and anxiety with 5 MTHF

by Dr. Pamela Langenderfer
| May 15, 2013 9:00 PM

5 MTHF (5 Methlytetrahydrofolate) is a biologically active form of folic acid. 5 MTHF has shown to be very effective in treating depression and anxiety in people who have a genetic defect in metabolizing folate and folic acid into their active forms.

Folate is part of a healthy diet and is commonly found in green leafy vegetables, legumes, nuts, orange juice and some fruits. Folate is a water-soluble form of vitamin B9 that the body requires for cell growth and reproduction. Essential for general health, folate has also been shown to reduce birth defects.

The body must digest and process folate before it can be used by the body. It has been shown that as many as 70 percent of people with depression have a genetic error called the MTHFR polymorphism that limits their body's ability to reduce dietary folate or folic acid into 5 MTHF and L-methylfolate. Variance in genetics may explain why one person is more susceptible to a disease than another person, or why a medication works for one person but not another.

5 MTHF has been very effective for people who have had a life long issue with depression and anxiety for unexplained reasons. A simple blood test can determine if you have one of these genetic defects metabolizing folic acid. It can be purchased over the counter as a supplement. There are also prescription medical foods such as Deplin or Metafolin which are also active forms of folate which also treat anxiety and depression.

Dr. Pamela Langenderfer is a licensed naturopathic physician and licensed acupuncturist. She is the co-owner of Lakeside Holistic Health, PLLC with locations in Liberty Lake and Coeur d'Alene. Visit our website at or call (208) 758-0568 for more info.