Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Finally, some rules of the game

by Jimmy Pappas
| May 10, 2013 9:00 PM

The Cd'A Press has put the kibosh on unbridled hate and racism for the same reason that you cannot exercise your freedom of speech by shouting fire in a crowded movie theater or library. While it is the right thing to do, it is also very apparent that they are not happy about having to do it.

The right to free speech is something that I know for absolute fact is the sole priority of the Cd'A Press's Managing Editor Mike Patrick. He and his wife Sholeh spoke at a recent Democratic Luncheon at the Iron Horse Restaurant where the food is absolutely delicious (best hot beef sandwich in the galaxy). Mike spoke at length about the recent opinions, fairness, and the responsibility of trying to balance opposing viewpoints on very heated topics. Trust me, this fella is committed and dead serious about balance and fairness, and you will not find a finer referee.

Among the topics were the length of opinions, the sources of our information such as Fox News and MSNBC, and of course where we should draw the line, or even should we? I did not agree with everything he said, and trust me, he has kiboshed several of my opinions. However, I take it upon myself (often reluctantly) to remember that I am not in his shoes, and there is an ancient Greek Proverb that states, "Those that are not in the dance know all the songs." So let's take a breather, and give this fine guy a bit of a break, and try to be more civil. Myself included.

Lastly, I would like to state a perspective that many of us may be blind to. When you are branded a Republican or a Democrat, people tend to automatically assume that you are in favor of their entire agenda. Through civil discourse with intelligent people, you discover that we basically agree on many of the same things. For instance, the topics of abortion and gay marriage; I am a Christian, specifically Greek Orthodox. My religion absolutely forbids both, yet the Democratic Party supports both.

Hey Brothers and Sisters, here is where the talk meets the walk. For me, it's a no brainer. I would never vote to punish or prevent gays and lesbians from achieving a civil and legal union to obtain all the benefits of a marriage between a man and a woman. However, I do not believe it should be under the definition of "marriage." This is a Holy Union that is specifically defined in our Holy Bible. If you think it fair that priests and pastors should be forced to participate in something absolutely forbidden by their faith, or doctors should be forced to do something against their profession, then perhaps you need both your soul and your head examined.

As for abortion, that is another no-brainer for me. I am against that as well. However, I am also a guy, and have never been faced with an unwanted pregnancy. Therefore, I am going to be wise enough to shut my big fat mouth, and let women decide their choices. They can take it up with their maker come judgment day. In the meanwhile, I am not going to stand in line throwing rocks.

So there it is. I have much more in common with conservatives than I would presently care to admit. I have also discovered that it works both ways. We do have a lot of common ground, and there is usually only one or two vital issues that separate us that can easily be solved with discriminating compromise. So let us challenge each other on the issues, try not to make it personal, and appreciate the wisdom of Baltazar Gracian, who wrote, "Reserve is the seal of capacity." Cheers!

Jimmy Pappas is a Coeur d'Alene resident.