Saturday, October 12, 2024

CORKS: I'll drink to sensible fees

| May 8, 2013 9:04 PM

As the original complainant who dared to ask questions about corkage fees in Coeur d’Alene, I would like to thank Mr. George Balling, a well-known world traveler and wine enthusiast, for taking the time to set all of us (restaurant customers and owners) straight on the proper use and charge of corkage fees. For those readers and wine consumers located in the beautiful city of Coeur d’Alene, he says that those restaurants that are selling bottles of wine (after marking it up 30 percent) for their customers to enjoy with their meal, should not be charging those customers a corkage fee of an additional $6-$20 to open that bottle of wine that the customer just purchased in their restaurant.

Mr. Balling also stated that if a customer brings in her or his own bottle to the restaurant, then the restaurant has the right to charge a corkage fee to open it, which I think is only fair. However, I think the restaurant should charge the customer a nominal fee of $6, instead of a price gouging $10-$20, that a few seem to think isn’t enough.

After my letter questioning corkage fees, the vast majority of comments in The Press and on Facebook were very positive and in agreement that these fees are just another way for a restaurant that doesn’t serve good food to make money under the table. I say to them: “If you can’t do business like all the other non-charging Coeur d’Alene restaurants, then close your doors.”

