Thursday, October 10, 2024

Power Play

Staff Writer | March 25, 2013 9:00 PM


<p>The Cellar provides fine dining on the main floor area with a private dining area upstairs and a wine bar downstairs.</p>


<p>With a secluded dining area in the upper level of The Cellar, the restaurant management is aiming for business luncheons and private dinner parties in the space.</p>

COEUR d'ALENE - One would think Tom and Patricia Power are busy enough.

They own The Cellar in downtown Coeur d'Alene. They own Sunshine Minting Inc., which has operations in the Lake City, along with Nevada and China.

Then, there's Power Audio Video, which specializes in home theater and integrated home systems. And we haven't even mentioned their real estate holdings company.

Add another business venture to the list, this one, a key to the future of downtown Coeur d'Alene.

The Powers recently purchased the former home of Wiggett's Antique Marketplace at Fourth and Lakeside, "because," as Patricia said with a smile, "we don't have enough to do."

The 27,000-square-foot building has been sitting empty for about five years.

"We're pretty excited about getting that building," Patricia said.

"It's a beautiful building," Tom said.

Oh, they have plenty to do, what with family and work. But they're looking for more. Why not.

"The way I look at it, we're young, we're healthy, we're full of energy now, so we might as well do things while we still have the ability to do them," Tom said during an interview at The Cellar.

The Powers bought the Wiggett Building in a foreclosure auction. There were two bidders. Tom declined to reveal the purchase price.

Last year, the Post Falls couple opened The Cellar on Sherman Avenue, after purchasing the former home of the Icon and giving it a once-over. They own the now-closed Wine Cellar next door, too, and are mulling over business opportunities there.

All this is since they moved here from just outside Toronto, Canada, in 1997. Tom, with a background in precious metals, operated Sunshine Minting for 10 years before buying it in 2007. When he did, it employed 70. Today, it employs 270, the majority of those at its Coeur d'Alene location.

SMI, Tom says with pride, is his baby.

"It's been tremendous growth," he said.

They bought the Wine Cellar and its downstairs location in 2010.

"The restaurant operated on eight electric burners and three microwaves in a 200-square-foot kitchen," Patricia said.

Which, she added, made the staff's performance in providing a top-quality dining experience that much more amazing.

"We always loved the old Wine Cellar," she said.

But the couple knew three things were needed to stay in business: A new kitchen, a liquor license, and a more visible street location.

Last year's purchase of the 11,000-square-foot former Icon site opened the door for each to happen.

The new, three-level location provided the space and equipment they were after to offer a diverse menu, and provide a fine, but relaxed dining experience.

The main floor is open, roomy with half wine barrels decorating one wall. There's piano music and a large, classy but comfortable bar.

The downstairs is dark, often live music, with an emphasis on wine, including a wine club and a self-serve wine bar.

"We're the only ones in this area who have anything like this," he said.

"On the weekends, this area fills up first," he added during a walking tour.

An upstairs dining area can serve 40-45 people, and has been the site of wedding receptions and business meetings.

The Cellar, which employs 32, has been a success, the Powers say, bringing a touch of class to downtown Coeur d'Alene.

They boast proudly of their flank steak, the No. 1 seller, and the lamb shank and baked brie.

If you're in the mood for pizza, or salmon, they have both, and more.

Country superstar Carrie Underwood had lunch there in February when she visited Coeur d'Alene on her current concert tour that included a stop in Spokane.

"Of course we love it because it's our restaurant," Patricia said.

"We're very excited about what's going to happen this summer," Tom added.

The two separate home life from business. They work hard, for sure, but take time for weekend escapes and spending time with family, too.

They smile, joke and laugh often during a 30-minute interview.

"It's about respect," Patricia said.

The Powers have been married 23 years and have two sons. Joshua, 21, who owns a reptile business. Adam, 18, plays hockey for the Spokane Chiefs.

"We follow our children around as much as they'll let us." she said.

When the kids are busy, Tom and Patricia love to travel and come summer, you'll find them boating on Lake Coeur d'Alene.

Patricia notes, proudly, they're Canadians, so a pleasant evening at home usually involves a glass of wine, their "2.5" dogs (if their son's dog is staying over) and a hockey game on the TV.

"For us, it's about finding balance," Tom said

And when things get a bit hectic?

"We remind each other to take a step back and take a breath," Patricia said.

Might be a good time to do that, with the purchase of the Wiggett's building.

They're considering options for its use and have already had proposals pitched their way.

They know what it won't be.

"It won't be a bar," Patricia said, grinning.

"And it won't be a restaurant," Tom added with a laugh.

Whatever they settle on, you can bet it will be successful.