Saturday, October 12, 2024

LEVY: Helps few and hurts many

| March 6, 2013 8:30 PM

1. Check out the “CdA” website under “Power Point” and “Facts” and you’ll see that not only is our levy rate NOT one of the lowest but it is indeed one of the HIGHEST among the 10 ISAT Schools and the second highest among the six schools with ISAT Scores close to ours. Meridian has a 44 percent lower levy rate and its ISAT score is within 3 percent of ours! Unfortunately you will have to write down the levy rates from “Facts” and add them to the ISAT graph under “PowerPoint.” Under “Facts” our levy rate is in the middle of 13 schools which include Lakeland, Moscow, Post Falls and Kellogg.

2. Eighty-eight percent of the budget “including the levies” goes to SALARIES!

3. The county clerk demanded signs posted at polling places last August be removed because they were not factual and illegal.*

A few are pushing this levy on us for their own benefit! They ARE willing to levy us directly and through the businesses we shop at. They are NOT willing to work a little harder for the same pay.

Since the CDA Charter School has NO union and NO levy money and excels academically,** maybe we ought to look at what they are doing right and question whether we really need to levy ourselves as radically as we are being pushed to.

Let’s take back “control” of our schools and insist that “Children Come First”!




Editor’s note: The Press confirmed that *election signs at one elementary school were taken down during the bond election because County Clerk Cliff Hayes deemed it “inappropriate,” not illegal. Also, **several teachers at Charter Academy do belong to a union, but the school itself doesn’t have a collective bargaining unit.