Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Too expensive is too much of an excuse

by Laura Rhodes
| June 26, 2013 9:00 PM

Life is already expensive enough, why should you have to pay to stay healthy? The answer is you shouldn't, and you don't have to. There are numerous ways to stay fit and active without spending any money at all.

One trick to staying in shape on the cheap is to take advantage of your everyday activities that present the opportunity to go the extra distance or stay in motion a little bit longer than usual. Take for example, your trip to the grocery store. Try parking in the back of the parking lot so that you have to walk the extra distance to your destination. While inside the store, carry a basket full of groceries instead of using a cart, or squat down to the bottom shelf instead of bending over. You will be surprised as to how much these small adjustments will improve your overall fitness.

Another conscious money saving trick to an inexpensive fitness routine is realizing you don't have to go to a gym or use workout designated weights. Instead, take the stairs in lieu of the elevator, or ride your bike instead of driving short distances. Our outdoor environment, as well as our standard household items, can serve as exercise apparatuses whenever we desire them to be.

Working out in your everyday life is extremely important; however, it is also important to be safe while doing so. One of the drawbacks to exercising on your own is not getting the supervision or safety advice that may come with a personal trainer or gym membership. If you are injured while taking the initiative to stay active on your own, don't let that hinder your motivation. Physical therapy is a safe and productive way to heal your pain and to receive exercise techniques that will keep you safe and maintain your momentum.

At Pinnacle Physical Therapy, we have a highly trained staff that specializes in areas of pain ranging from neck to feet, and everything in-between. Our therapists not only reduce your pain during treatment, but will send you home with exercises that can be completed on your own. At Pinnacle, we are continually increasing our knowledge while maintaining the tools to help you regain proper function and strength. Our goal is to assist patients with maintaining the maximum independence in their daily lives. After your treatment with us, you will be able to stay fit and be active without paying a fortune.

To find out more about Pinnacle Physical Therapy and how we can help you achieve your goals, call us today at (208) 777-4242 or visit our website at We also accept most types of insurance, and offer substantial discounts for cash pay. We will stand as a perfect fit in your inexpensive health regimen.