Friday, October 11, 2024

WAR: Time for U.S. to walk away

| June 19, 2013 9:00 PM

It is very strange that our president is now going to give weapons to some rebels in Syria to help them fight a battle with a government that is in charge of a country, and at the same time is doing everything in its power to take the weapons away from its own citizens. Now I have heard that the Russians are going to give weapons to the government of Syria. What next?

In my own opinion, I can see advisers on both sides going in to help the ones they want to see win, then troops on both sides on the ground to back up the claims that they are right. Is World War III far behind? Why does this country have to stick their nose in any other country’s business? We have been fighting in one war or another for to many years now. It is killing so many of our young men and women, where does it stop? Why do the people we voted in to our Congress not do something?

I spent my time in the service of my country, but I still question the wisdom of some of our leaders sometimes. I do believe that if the rebels win in Syria, they will not be on our side any more than they are in Libya. Now that is a lesson we should have learned!

Poison gas? Who told our government that it had been used? Probably the same ones who said that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Do not get me wrong, I love this country but my heart is really sad to see the way it is going. God help us all.


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