Tuesday, October 15, 2024

DRIVER: Tragedy narrowly averted

| June 14, 2013 6:04 AM

Every one of us at one time in our lives has done something stupid while we have been driving. Not paying attention and running a stop sign you didn’t know was there and thanking God that there was no one in the intersection… Paying more attention to our kids than the person in front of us and almost hitting them. There are thousands of scenarios.

Well on Sunday, June 9, my husband and I came within seconds of being in a head-on collision with someone who was doing something that was more than stupid. I pray that the people around this person were on the phone with ISP. I pray that this person was stopped and arrested.

We were on U.S. 95 heading south, just north of the Mica Bay turnoff. We had just come out of the 65 mph zone and were getting ready to head up the hill to the part that curves toward the Kidd Island Bay turnoff. My husband moved into the slow lane (as we always do due to the dangers of the road) after passing a slower vehicle. Just as he moved into that lane I saw a car on our side of the road, using our passing lane as his/her passing lane — yes, totally crossed over the double yellow line and in the northbound lane heading south toward us. My husband was still looking to the right and I in shock told him that person is in the fast lane coming toward us! He would have had no time to get out of the way. What were they thinking?

We have an F350… You, well, you were in a little car. You would have been killed; we would have been seriously injured if not killed. A minimum combined 120 mph collision would not have been a pretty sight.

A little over six years ago, my son was almost killed in Garwood on U.S. 95 by someone not paying attention; rear ended my son and sent his car flying into the ditch. My son should not be here today. He sustained a traumatic brain injury due to this person. As a result, I am his full-time caregiver. What would my family go through if I and/or my husband was also injured as such or killed? All because YOU were absolutely irresponsible! You should not be allowed to be behind the wheel of a vehicle.

I am so thankful for our guardian angel(s). I thank God that I am here to write this, here to take care of my son and love my husband and family for one more day.

Tragedies happen all over the world every day. Thank goodness Sunday was not our day.

